We're working on about 4 different projects in the backyard and our new patio is just the beginning! We are now looking for a patio set that won't break the bank! Thanks to my wonderful husband, dad, uncle and brother in law, we were able to knock it out pretty quick! Now for the staining and furniture! We'll try to keep you posted!

WEIRD! My little (younger) brother Jaret graduated from high school! He is such a stud & I love him to death! He is such a smart kid & is going to go so far. He graduated with honors and we are so proud of him!

More sleepovers with the niece and nephews! Tons of fun as always!
Our baby turned 1 in April, but he celebrated his one year with us on the June 13th! Don't worry that is a doggy purse and he did fit in it and even had room to walk around when we first got him! Oh, he is growing up so fast!