We spent Christmas with my family this year. We had a nice Christmas Eve dinner and spent the night. Our beautiful morning faces above are of us opening our presents! Are we best friends or what!? We got the same CD for each other! On Christmas Day we spent a couple hours with some of the Root's and exchanged presents before we headed to McCall with my family. It was nice to get out of town and really good to see that McCall finally had snow!

Everyone (Jake, my parents, and my brothers) went skiing and snowboarding the day after Christmas. No worries, there was fresh powder and blue skies!!! I spent the day in the lodge reading! It was really weird not being out there with everyone, especially my best board buddy (Jake of course)! For any other reason I would've been sad, but I'll do anything for this little guy that's growing in my oven (we'll both be on the hill soon enough)! Plus it was actually really relaxing too! We had a wonderful Christmas and are so blessed to live so close to both of our families.
Hey, where have you been? or have I just not seen you! :) I might have to borrow that sweater for Billy's work party- sweet. Did you get that message I left you?
Looks like you guys had a fun Christmas! I miss all of you! Hope all is well!
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