Not that you want to see me again, but here is the last "official belly" prego pic we took @ 38wks. She was born @ 39 1/2 wks.
So, the delivery was wonderful! NO C-Section! I ended up at the hospital on 12/27 @ about 8pm. My doctor had me admitted, broke my water and started me on pitocin at 9:30. It was a sneaky, planned induction. If you want to know full details you can call me:). I was able to deliver her vaginally and naturally with just a little bit of help at the end. The nurse kept under measuring me which was very hard for me mentally. For me, if I'm prepared mentally the pain is more manageable. The nurse came in at about 4 (I think) and said I was only a 5, which I was almost a 5 at my appt earlier that day! So, my wonderful friend Heather who is training to be a doula requested the dr come in and check! So grateful that she did because mentally that crushed me and I was ready for an epidural! (which everyone at the birth knew I did NOT want) He came in and checked...almost a 7! So, I just got a dose of pain med through my IV to take the edge off, with some antinausea (I had been throwing up too). I was so tired that it actually made it so I could rest and take a light nap, still could feel them but not as intense. About 1 hr later they had the nurse :( come in and check, but this time she actually had good was fully engaged and I was ready to push! Pushing took about 1hr and I had a really bad push at the beginning because I was so anxious, I actually made a ton of blood vessels burst in my eyes! I look like a vampire! But, out she came with no c-section!
6:02 am December 28th 7lbs 14oz & 20 1/2in long!!!