Monday, December 17, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
Thanksgiving in Utah
Dad, Dustin, and Jake, just waitin' for the turkey!
Doesn't Jaret look so happy & cheerful!
Zaida (my cousin Chelsi's baby) and Scottie (my cousin Shea's) saying hi for the first time! They are so cute! They were giving eagh other hugs and kisses the whole weekend!
Happy Thanksgiving! This year Jake and I went to Utah with my family. The Hadfield's decided to have the reunion over the holiday this year. We had so much fun! We of course had a turkey bowl for the boys, we went bowling, went shopping in Park City on "black friday" (we hadn't even talked about Christmas presents yet so we really got nothing accomplished), and we went and saw the movie August Rush (we both highly recomend it)!
Posted by Jake & Candice Root at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Thanksgiving07
Football Skills!

Posted by Jake & Candice Root at 2:03 PM 1 comments
Labels: Flag Football
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Boise State vs. Utah State
We were not able to go to very many BSU football games this season with our schedules but we did manage to make it to one in Utah! Jake and I went with our friends Todd and Kim Allen. We left friday night after work November 9th. It was such a last minute decision that most of the hotels in Logan were sold out, but we ended up finding one on the internet. So, I shouldn't have to say anything else about the hotel other than if you're in Logan, Ut and you have no other place to sleep than the Motel 6....SLEEP IN YOUR CAR! We at least got the rooms cheap! Dustin, Jaret, and their friends Steve and Derek made the trip too, but they stayed in Salt Lake like smart boys! We did have a fun time and BSU shut out Utah State the next day so it made the trip worthwhile!
Posted by Jake & Candice Root at 3:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: BSU/USU trip
Jake's Birthday!
I totally got ahead of myself and posted Halloween before Jake's birthday! Sorry honey! Jake's birthday is October 2nd, all in all I think he had a pretty good day. We had a dinner party with my family the Sunday before and all the Roots the night before his actual birthday! On the day of his birthday I decorated the family room with streamers and balloons and I got to meet him for lunch since he had to work and we opened presents after that. I got him a new football and some new decals for the truck. That night he had class until 9, so I made chicken enchiladas (one of his favorites) and he got a nice massage after! :) He thought that was all but the following weekend was General Conference down in Salt Lake and Jake has never been...So I surprised him and I made a hotel reservation at the Hilton and we went to the saturday afternoon session! It was really nice. He was very surprised, just ask him! Ha! Happy 24th Birthday honey!
Posted by Jake & Candice Root at 2:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: Jake's Birthday 2007
Happy Halloween!

Posted by Jake & Candice Root at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Halloween 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Dad's 50th Birthday!
We celebrated my dad's 50th birthday party over the 21-23 of September, my mom and I surprised him and had some of his family come into town! We had a blast! My uncle Blake, his kids Chelsi (her daughter Zaida), Shalee, Sage and Creed, came up from Utah. Both my grandpa and grandma Hadfield from Utah and my cousin Aubrey came up too. My dad's sister Kim was able to fly in all the way from Nebraska as well! On saturday all the girls did a women's fitness walk and later that afternoon we met the boys and we all went bowling! My dad loves Mexican food, so we reserved a banquet room at Casa Mexico (one of his favorites) and we all ate and had cake and ice cream. We all had so much fun! Bad news though, my mom's camera that had most of the pictures from the weekend got stollen before we got them downloaded on the computer! So a stinky deal, we only got a couple from the fitness walk with all the girls.
Posted by Jake & Candice Root at 5:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: September 21-23
Labor day at Luck Peak
For Labor Day this year we went to Lucky Peak. It was so much fun and the weather was great! My mom, Dustin, his friend Derek, my friend Shayla, Doc (mom & dad's dog), Jake, Rusty, and I all went. Everyone else had to work! As you can see Jake is much better at wakeboarding than I am but I have to say I am getting better thanks to a great mentor! It was a blast! P.S. I forgot to rotate some pictures before I posted them, now I don't know how to fix them...SORRY!
Posted by Jake & Candice Root at 4:22 PM 1 comments
Labels: Labor Day
Our new Addition
This is our new addition to our family! His name is Rusty and he is indeed our child right now! We love him & he is definitely spoiled!
Posted by Jake & Candice Root at 1:17 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Our honeymoon! Kihei, Maui, Hawaii!
Posted by Jake & Candice Root at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: Just Arriving in Maui