So, I know I just posted a picture of our new piano, but I wanted to show off my craft/handy side! The old bench cover was worn out and dull. Doesn't it look great! We think so! It's cream colored vinyl that has a snake skin texture, not to metion some extra padding! Very sassy I have to say!
Monday, March 31, 2008
New Piano Cover
Posted by Jake & Candice Root at 9:12 PM 8 comments
Labels: Piano
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Posted by Jake & Candice Root at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Easter
Our anniversary this year was on Easter Sunday so we celebrated the friday and saturday before. We started the night off at Outback, we were both craving a good ol' fashioned steak! It was so yummy! It definately "hit the spot!"

Posted by Jake & Candice Root at 9:28 PM 5 comments
Labels: Anniversary
Friday, March 7, 2008
Well, ladies...I have to say I have the best guy out there! He is such a sweetheart & is always thinking of how to make things easier for me. Plus, he is such a stud muffin! This last friday I was working when he got home from work at 9am, then he laid down for a quick nap, so I didn't get to see him until my break. Anyway, when I came out of the shop to go say "hi", I saw this pretty flower plant on the kitchen table with a very sweet card that he had written! He shows me every day how much he loves me, but this was a sweet surprise.
I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! He is definately my soul mate and my best friend! I am so grateful to call him my husband. He has been a great blessing in my life and everyone deserves a guy like him! (NO, I won't share!) I love you sweetheart!
Posted by Jake & Candice Root at 2:33 PM 14 comments
Labels: Flowers
Yes! This is a tent in our family room!
Rusty's FAVORITE place to sleep when the kids stay the night! (right next to Aleah)
Jake and I both have so much fun with our niece and nephews, so we decided to start having sleepovers! This last weekend we had two of my sister-in-law Amber's kids, Isham (6) and Aleah (4) come stay. We had so much fun! We set up our camping tent in the family room, Aleah and I put it up all by ourselves while the boys played the Wii. Then we put together some pizzas, Aleah is going to be a great little cook when she grows up! We rented the movie Ratatouille, went to Fred Meyer to get new batteries for the Wii! Isham LOVES playing the Wii! We used our air popper to make popcorn and watched the movie as the kids did some narrating (since they had already seen it)!
We are so excited to eventually have all the nieces and nephews come stay the night! (Zeke that means you have to make a special trip up here!)
Posted by Jake & Candice Root at 1:12 PM 1 comments
Labels: sleepovers
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
TAG-I'm it!
A. Post The Rules
B. Answer the Questions about yourself
C. After posting, tag 5 people by going to their blog and leaving a comment.
1. What were you doing 10 years ago??
Ten Years ago I was in the eight grade, loving life (not that I'm not now), with not a serious worry on my mind, thinking I was the big shot on campus at my middle school and thinking age 25 was old!
2. 5 Things on my To-Do List Today...
-get a massage & pedi (I have a client I trade with/I worked hard for it)!
-buy my brother a birthday present
-go to the gym
3. What snacks I enjoy...
It really depends on what I am in the mood for & what is on hand. Usually, popcorn or ice cream, or BOTH!
4.What would I do if I were to suddenly be a Billionaire?
Pay off our house and car. Go on a very long vacation. Buy my husband the flat screen TV he has been waiting for. Pay for school. Buy a boat, new cars, & house. Donate a HUGE chunk of it. Invest some. Help my brothers with school & mission. Not stress about money anymore!
5. 3 Bad Habits...
-worry about the small stuff (mild case of O.C.D.)
-hog the covers
6. 5 Places I've lived...
-Fresno, California
-Las Vegas, Nevada
-Eagle, Idaho
-Ogden, Utah
-Provo, Utah
P.S. There are a couple more!
7. 5 Jobs I've had...
-Hostess @ Idaho Pizza Company
-Hostess @ Pizza Hut
-Receptionist @ St. Luke's Hospital
8. 5 Things People don't Know About Me...
-It's hard for me to have a girls' night because I miss Jake
-I would love to be a sponsored snowboarder
-I really really want to be a mom soon
-Some days I think I want 6 kids
-I want twins!
Now I pick 5 people to TAG and I TAG...
Kim, Dawn, Katie, Sarah, & Linzie
Posted by Jake & Candice Root at 6:04 PM 2 comments