Tuesday, March 4, 2008

TAG-I'm it!

A. Post The Rules
B. Answer the Questions about yourself
C. After posting, tag 5 people by going to their blog and leaving a comment.

1. What were you doing 10 years ago??
Ten Years ago I was in the eight grade, loving life (not that I'm not now), with not a serious worry on my mind, thinking I was the big shot on campus at my middle school and thinking age 25 was old!
2. 5 Things on my To-Do List Today...
-get a massage & pedi (I have a client I trade with/I worked hard for it)!
-buy my brother a birthday present
-go to the gym
3. What snacks I enjoy...
It really depends on what I am in the mood for & what is on hand. Usually, popcorn or ice cream, or BOTH!
4.What would I do if I were to suddenly be a Billionaire?
Pay off our house and car. Go on a very long vacation. Buy my husband the flat screen TV he has been waiting for. Pay for school. Buy a boat, new cars, & house. Donate a HUGE chunk of it. Invest some. Help my brothers with school & mission. Not stress about money anymore!
5. 3 Bad Habits...
-worry about the small stuff (mild case of O.C.D.)
-hog the covers
6. 5 Places I've lived...
-Fresno, California
-Las Vegas, Nevada
-Eagle, Idaho
-Ogden, Utah
-Provo, Utah
P.S. There are a couple more!
7. 5 Jobs I've had...
-Hostess @ Idaho Pizza Company
-Hostess @ Pizza Hut
-Receptionist @ St. Luke's Hospital
8. 5 Things People don't Know About Me...
-It's hard for me to have a girls' night because I miss Jake
-I would love to be a sponsored snowboarder
-I really really want to be a mom soon
-Some days I think I want 6 kids
-I want twins!
Now I pick 5 people to TAG and I TAG...
Kim, Dawn, Katie, Sarah, & Linzie


Linzie said...

I want twins too!!!! I hate being pregnant because I get so sick, so hey two birds with one stone!
So where are you working now? We so need to all get together to catch up, I think you and your cute hubby need to take a little vacation to DC :) Seriously though I have not met him yet!!! Miss ya

Kim Allen said...

Hey it looks like we all want twins! We'll see who gets to ;-) I like that you miss Jake if you're hanging with the girls! That's how I am-I love a good night at home with the hubby.