1. What's his name? Jacob Stewart Root
2. How long have you been together? 2 Years & 2 months-Married for 1 year & 2 months
3. How long did you date? 1 Year
4. Who eats more? Usually Jake
5. Who said "I love you" first? Jake
6. Who is taller? Jake
7. Who sings better? Jake for sure!!!
8. Who is smarter? I think it's pretty similar but in completely different ways
9. Who does the laundry? Me
10. Who does the dishes? Both but usually me but he is always willing to help
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Jake
12. Who pays the bills? Jake
13. Who mows the lawn? Usually Jake, but when I'm not working on Saturday he lets me help!
14. Who cooks dinner? Me, but Jake is "Master of the Grill"!
15. Who drives when you are together? Mostly Jake, unless he's had a long day of driving
16. Who is more stubborn? Tie
17. Who kissed who first? Jake! But, I definately kissed back!
18. Who asked who out first? Jake did, and he was such a gentleman!
19. Who proposed? Serious?! Jake for sure!
20. Who is more sensitive? Mostly me, but Jake has his moments
21. Who has more friends? Jake does, but I consider them mine now too
22. Who has more siblings? Jake for sure
23. Who wears the pants in the family? I think we are pretty balanced, but if we have to call it, I think it's me!
Okay, now I will tag: Katie S., Charyl, Dawn, & Heather

I LOVE you sweetheart! You are so amazing and I'm so excited to spend eternity with you!
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