My cousin Jonathan had his missionary farewell and his sister Nikki had her baby shower so we made it a weekend family reunion! It was such a blast!

Kim, Grandma, McKenna, Nikki, Me

Jake, Me, Casey, Nikki, Aaron, Kim, McKenna, outside on the ferry boat

Hanging out on the ferry!
Playing on the beach finding miniature crabs like this little guy under the rocks!
On our last day we of course had to go to Pike Place Market that overlooks the ocean! Always a must when you go to Seattle!
Nikki, Me, Grandma
Look at that HUGE fish! This vendor at the market is where you go to see fish "fly" through the air!
We have a tradition when we go to Seattle, we always go to Mee Sum Pastry and get a hombow! If you have never had one they are a must! It's a homemade big roll stuffed with meat! BBQ pork is the best!

Next up (the weekend after Seattle), Jackson Hole, Wyoming for my dad's side of the family! It is definitely harder to get everyone together with our busy schedules but I think everyone who made it had a blast. We golfed, rafted, played volleyball, horseshoes, Frisbee, went to a play (The Ballad of Kat Ballou) in an old playhouse, relaxed in the hot tub, and just enjoyed each other's company!
The legendary antler arch in downtown Jackson Hole!
Getting ready for our white water rafting trip!
Headed to the river!

Finally, came Park City, Utah the weekend after Jackson Hole, with the Root family! We were there for Independence Day! How blessed we are to live in such a beautiful free country! We stayed in Park City but we spent most of the time in a small nearby town called Oakley. We blended in with the townsfolk! There was a parade (one of the best I've seen), a tribute to our country and those who fight for our freedom put on by the local choir and high school band, a luncheon at the town hall, and a rodeo with a fireworks show! It was such a great weekend!
P.S. I have to say THANK YOU again to my wonderful cousin Shalee! On our way to Park City Jake and I stopped in Ogden and she did some laser hair removal (no more shaving armpits & bikini line) and did a laser treatment on my face! I love it!

Jake & Aleah having fun in the car on the way to the parade!
So cute! Now that is family love! Lars and Aleah (nephew & niece)
Fun at the parade
Aleah (our future rodeo queen) & me
Jake and I did the alpine slide! It was really fun but the line to wait was so long! Can you tell, we were ready to make our own slide!
So that is where you have been!!:)
How fun! It looks like you have some fun stories to tell on our next girls night!
So did your parents end up getting those pics?? I honestly thought I would have to call and see if you were in the obituary-thank goodness you still text me or I think I might forget I have a cousin named Candice..
Yeah I agree with Shalee. I don't have a phone anymore so I guess I will have to check with her on your status. Looks like you guys are having a great summer. I can't wait to see you next month too. It going to be lots of fun to hang out with everyone again!!
Lot's of family fun! Looks like you had some great times. Rafting is so much fun I'm jealous. So not even Grandma fell out? That's really good!
Hey Candice and Jeeke!! It is Heather Morgan! We have a new blog, and finally...yes finally got a computer! So we should be able to keep updated a lot better!You guys are pretty much the cutest couple of all time, and I sure do love you both! We need to hang out here really soon! Love you both!
I just want to say that we miss you guys!
Hi Guys!
I finally caved in and made a blog! We hope you guys are doing well--Keep us updated on baby news!! :)
--Russ & KT
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