Yay!! Yes, I know this pic stinks, but you read it right! I'm PREGNANT!!! We didn't believe it so we took a few more! There's no doubt though, we got to see the little one a couple weeks ago in my first ultrasound! (picture below) It was SO incredible! We are excited and we both feel so blessed and humble to have the opportunity to be parents. We can't wait to bring this sweet spirit into our home!
This is our first ultrasound!!!! Doesn't it look like Casper the ghost!? The baby turned right towards the camera so we didn't get a profile pic, but the little one did do a "wiggle" dance for us! It was so cute and amazing!

YAY! That's great you two!! Candice, Take good care of yourself and enjoy the experience of being pregnant. Jake...I know you'll be good to her.
congratulations! seeing your baby for the first time on the ultrasound is one of the most amazing moments in life. take care and best of luck!
Congrats!! I'm so excited for you guys! What an exciting time in your life!
I'm loving the updates now do me a favor and don't slack like that again. I'm so excited for you two.
yeah congrats!! its about time.. just kidding. you are going to be great parents and I wish we lived closer for play dates!! cant wait to find out what you are having. I heard you weren't coming, you suck but i totally understand. love you and tell jake congrats for me too
CONGRATULATIONS!!! We are so excited for a new little Root!! Love you guys!
Congrats!! Going to miss you this weekend but have totally been there and would not be attending as well if I was in your shoes. You will love the babe they are the best things in the whole world! Love you
Yay! I am Crying right now!!! I am so excited! I am in love with the little baby already! I love the picture I am so glad you got to see the baby It is the best feeling in the world! I hate that we live so far away!! I miss you so much! I want to be there to see you get a baby belly and bring you soup and watch girly movies when your sick :( Good thing you have a very good hubby and I know he is taking care you! You are going to be the best mom I can't wait!
I am sooo excited Candice!!! Now we can have our kids be little buddies!! I can not wait to see you, I am so happy that we get to come see you guys for the holidays!! Tell Jake congrats for me too, and I'll see you soon!!
Oh my gosh!!! How amazing! You guys are going to be wonderful parents! Congratulations!!!!
Congrats! I think they look like little gummy bears! Hope your feeling well! Can't wait to "grow big" together!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you guys!! You'll be wonderful parents!!
I am still so excited!!!
Let me know if you need anything!
love ya!
Congrats! Hang in there through this first (and usually miserable) part-- it gets better, I promise!
You are in for the ride of your life! I'm so happy for you both! Let's all get together soon (the fantastic four turned elite eight, that is) :)
Congratulations you guys! We are so excited for you! Your little one is so lucky to come to have you as parents! Hope you are feeling better soon! Love, Heather & Chancy
oh my goodness! congrats jake and candice! that's so exciting!
Holy comments! CONGRATS!!! I am so happy for you both. You are going to be a MOM and a DAD, that is crazy! But a blessing for sure. love you guys.
Congrats! That is so exciting. Can't wait!
WOOO HOOO!!!! I hope you don't get too sick:( So when are you due? Send me you email so I can send you some fun pregnancy sights to look at:) I love you Candice and I couldn't be happier for you two:)
Candice I came across your blog through Clarisa's. Looks like you are doing great! It was been so long. Just thought I would say Hi. Hopefully you remember me!
-Liz Theurer
aren't those two pictures just the two greatest things you've ever seen in your life? it is all so amazing and we are SO excited for you to experience everything. i even loved labor and delivery... it is all an absolute, beautiful miracle! and of course the best part... the baby. :) congrats guys!
Way to go you crazy kids!
CONGRATULATIONS!! WOW that is so exciting! He/she is adorable already!
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