OK...so here are some chubby baby bump postings! These were last weekend(18 weeks). Keep in mind that they are after a long day of work so just focus on the belly! P.S. Yes, Rusty has a cone on his head. He got irritated after a haircut & wouldn't stop licking himself...our little lampshade doggie!
cute cute cute!! you are so cute!! i can't wait to see you in person! you are so tiny!!
Yea for Baby bumbs! You look so cute- even after a long day of work!
Such a cute little mommy! Seriously, I hope when I am that far along that I will look half as good as you! I cant wait to find out what you are having!!! Sooooo excited!! Love you both! We will do dinner soon...that is a promise sister! Love, Heather
You look great (as usual)! It's funner when you can tell you are expecting instead of just not fitting in your clothes! When do you find out what you are having?
Candice you are a doll!!!! I am so excited for the two of you!!!
You look so cute! I love it!! We can't wait to see you guys!
Your a total babe. I am pumped for both of you! Do you have Charyl's email? She's left a few comments on my blog and her's is private so I can't comment back. I want to request and invite. Thanks!
Oh I love it!!! You look so good. You will have to update more so I can keep seeing your belly. I love the dog and it's shade down in the corner!! Hilarious.
oh you look so cute! I love Rusty's cone :)
Yeah your belly is cute. I'm flub!! Well you're looking darling so keep posting those pics.
You look amazing!! I know your prob saying blah blah I look like crap!! LOL I know because I hated when people would tell me that I looked good, but believe me you do look really good!!! So are you going to find out what sex this baby is so we can start spoiling him or her??? I hope all is well I miss you so much!!! LOve ya TonZ!!!
You are so cute with that little belly! :) Too much fun!
Thank You!!!! I have been wanting to see you. You look so beautiful. We are so happy and excited for you and Jake. Yeay! love you guys.
PS- I "tagged" you in my last post! :)
You are so cute prego! Cograts on the baby boy! We are so incredibly excited for you.
Congratulations! I'm so excited for the new arrival...Your mom is going to go crazy. Can't wait to see you. Check out my blog...I'm still working on it, but it's coming along.
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